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Dutch Colony Coffee

Aricha Wubanchi

Aricha Wubanchi

Regular price $22.00 BND
Regular price Sale price $22.00 BND
Sale Sold out

3 in stock

Single Origin | Omni

Cupping Notes: Sencha Tea. Peach. Jasmine. Blueberry Peel.

This exceptional Natural coffee was dry milled and exported by Primrose, PLC. The coffee was grown by smallholder farmers living around the kabele (town) of Aricha in Gedeo County, Yirgacheffe region. Most contributing farmers own less than a hectare of land, and they grow coffee simply as a backyard cash crop. Coffee will usually be interspersed with other subsistence crops, such as sweet potato, mangos and avocados, but there are no other primary cash crops grown in the region.

Our exporter and the Aricha mill paid more than the market price for a kilogram of red cherry, and those farmers that bring quality red cherry are paid a cash incentive, ensuring higher-than-average overall quality. Coffee is selectively handpicked before being delivered to the mill collection points, usually within 5 km of the producers’ homes. Great care is taken upon delivery to separate out any overripe, underripe or damaged beans before consolidating with other lots for the road to the wet mill.

One of the cleanest Ethiopian naturals by far and definitely one of the sweetest ever that we have purchased and roasted. We can see this quickly in every home-barista brew table and in the menu offering of many of our wholesale partners.

Roast Date: 10 Feb 2025

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